Along with our awesome Youth Advisor, Victoria Cohen
Register now for all this year's fun!
We had a great time at the USY Southeast Havegev Regional Convention

​Lots more SOJUSY Fun
coming your way in 2025!​


Jr. JUSY (Chaverim)
A program for Jewish youth in 3rd - 5th grade that may participate in chapter (local) social events throughout the year. The group is designed to bring our younger children into our SOJUSY family.
A program for youth in 6th through 8th grade that may participate in chapter, sub-regional and regional events throughout the year.
Our Gesher and USYers are made up of emerging leaders who plan and execute a variety of social events for their peers such as movie nights and bowling as well as programs celebrating the Jewish holidays like our Regressive Dinner in the Sukkah and Chanukah event. Gesher and USY are sponsored by the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.