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Men's Club

The SOJC’s Men's Club is Here for You!

The Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation Men's Club’s mission is to bring together the men of the congregation to share in social, cultural, educational, and service-oriented activities and events within the synagogue and the Southwest Orlando community. This mission is accomplished through a combination of social gatherings, leadership, tzedakah, and tikkun olam. SOJC’s Men's Club meets monthly for a wide spectrum of activities and provides services for SOJC including the provision of ushers and preparation for High Holy Day services, the facilitation of Mitzvah Days on which indoor and outdoor maintenance of the temple grounds is conducted, and the annual construction of the SOJC sukkah. The Men's Club also coordinates the congregation’s participation in the annual Worldwide Wrap tefillin program conducted simultaneously around the world through the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. We often meet for lunches, dinners, game nights, and movie nights, and are looking forward to inviting speakers on issues such as home and personal safety, health and fitness, and other quality of life issues to improve our daily lives in the Southwest Orlando community. We welcome new members and new ideas, so if there’s an activity or program you’d like to see, let us know! 

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