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Passover Services at SOJC
Sunday, April 13 at 9:30am

 Saturday, April 20 at 9:30am
including Yizkor service.

If you are visiting SOJC, call 4072395444 to leave your name
and the number of guests that will be joining you.

If you are new to the Orlando area, or have been here for a while and want to join us for a Shabbat service, 
join us Friday evenings at 7:00pm followed by an Oneg
or Saturday mornings at 9:30 for a traditional Shacharit service
followed by an interactive family friendly Torah and Musaf service at 10:15am and stay for Kiddush.

Click here to learn more about our
Tot Shabbat - Shabbat Shabang Services. 

Please let us know you are coming by calling the SOJC office at 407-239-5444.



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Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation

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